Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sam's First Catfish

The boys and I headed to the Sioux River to do a little fishing today. Joe decided we should go to the river because he wanted to catch a catfish. But it was Sam that caught the only fish of the afternoon, a nice three pound channel catfish. It was a little much for the Zebco and he needed some assistance reeling it in. He caught it on a night crawler. We were hoping to catch a carp or moon eye to use as cut bait, but they only nibbled and stole our worms.
Sam spent most of his time watching for bugs. The ticks are very bad this year. He's going to be like his mom when it comes to bugs. Joe's going to be like his dad when it comes to "itch weed", his legs were very red and itchy! Next time they want to take the boat out to a lake where there aren't so many bugs, just different kinds.


  1. Why is Joe holding the fish if Sam caught it? Is Sam to scared to hold it? With Joe (and Sam's) skinny little white toothpick legs, those red rashes from the weeds are gonna show up real nice!

    Well, I guess you can take Devin along fishing the next time. She has always wanted to go fishing, but has never gotten the chance'll be a good uncle and do that for her, won't you?

  2. Great pictures...and hope all had fun. I guess I have to say I am a little more like Sam than Joe and you. I am always looking out for the bugs as well. And, if there are ticks around I won't be. Hope you get more days of fishing in. Take care and will keep checking back.
